You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.7. DEBTORS Menu: Debtors Ledger > 1.7.2. Debtors - Debtors Transaction Processing > Debtors Transaction Processing - Debtor Payments > Debtor Payments - Open Item Debtors > Debtors Payments - Open Item - Sort
Debtors Payments - Open Item - Sort

You use the Sort button on the Debtors Payments - Open Item screen to change the order in which the transactions are displayed. You can sort the transactions by either invoice number or date. If the debtor has a central debtor for invoicing, you can also sort within sales accounts if required.

  1. Display the Debtors Payments - Open Item screen.

Refer to "Debtor Payments - Open Item Debtors".

  1. Select the Sort button.

Micronet displays the Sort Transactions screen.

  1. Check one of the following boxes:






Sort the transactions by transaction reference number (e.g. invoice number).



Sort the transactions by date, with the oldest transaction displayed first.


Sales Acc and Ref

If this debtor has a central debtor for invoicing, sort the transactions by transaction reference number within each sales account.


Sales Acc and Date

If this debtor has a central debtor for invoicing, sort the transactions by date within each sales account.

  1. Select the Accept button.

Micronet redisplays the Debtors Payments - Open Item screen, with the transactions displayed in the selected order.